Monday, October 23, 2006

Lamps. Every night I switch this lamp on and off, sometimes more than once which is so annoying because I just get comfortable under my comfortable comforter... then hmmm apparently I'm thirsty, I have to pee, the phone rings, I hear a mouse crawling across my floor....HAHA just kidding I didn't turn my light on for that last one. KIDDING. We don't have mice here in Saskatchewan, not right now anyways because it is getting so cold.

"Danish Boys, Sandy Beaches, Cold Canadian Winters"

This talk of coldness leads me right back to my bed time, lamp, needing a pee topic. Not sure that I really went astray from the topic but meh. Strangely enough the cold weather does infact relate to my room talk because as we all know it is winter and winters in Saskabush get ridiculously cold AND when it is cold outside it is almost as cold in my room.

It all started back in 1873...

No lol .... my dad simply forgot to run heating ducts into my room when he was remodeling which means my room is the only room without heat in our house. So when winter arrives so do a few more blankets maybe even an extra sweater and jogging pants. But as bad as it might sound the freshness when I wake up in the morning is worth the rudolph nose and 3 extra of grandmas specialty blankets!

Time for bed. Pure Delight!

lights out!


Bonnie said...

I do remember how cold that room is...remember when I slept over when we came for Sarah's wedding...I was definitely a Rudolph seeing as it was November and stinkin' cold already. the blog and that we can correspond more through it. I'll try really hard to call you soon! Maybe one evening this week!

Bonnie said...

Friday, October 27--Gosh its been too long. We really need to talk soon. Ok, so here's my schedule. Tonight (Friday) we are in Abby helping Susie with painting at her new condo. Tomorrow we are there all day helping move her stuff and finish "reno"ing. Then T&B are coming for a sleepover so we'll be with them on Sunday too. But Sunday night I think I will probably be free. Or Monday.
So, call me if you have a free moment. If I don't hear from you, I'll try calling you one of those nights.
K, Love you and have a great weekend!

Bonnie said...

What the heck Leah!!!????
You need to get posting...even if it is random...i think i am going to SCREAM if i check this thing one more time and there is a friggin lamp at the top as the most recent!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!
Post some pics of you at least. I don't even know what you look like now cuz your profile pic is ridiculous. Get on it wouldya?

Bonnie said...