Monday, October 23, 2006

Lamps. Every night I switch this lamp on and off, sometimes more than once which is so annoying because I just get comfortable under my comfortable comforter... then hmmm apparently I'm thirsty, I have to pee, the phone rings, I hear a mouse crawling across my floor....HAHA just kidding I didn't turn my light on for that last one. KIDDING. We don't have mice here in Saskatchewan, not right now anyways because it is getting so cold.

"Danish Boys, Sandy Beaches, Cold Canadian Winters"

This talk of coldness leads me right back to my bed time, lamp, needing a pee topic. Not sure that I really went astray from the topic but meh. Strangely enough the cold weather does infact relate to my room talk because as we all know it is winter and winters in Saskabush get ridiculously cold AND when it is cold outside it is almost as cold in my room.

It all started back in 1873...

No lol .... my dad simply forgot to run heating ducts into my room when he was remodeling which means my room is the only room without heat in our house. So when winter arrives so do a few more blankets maybe even an extra sweater and jogging pants. But as bad as it might sound the freshness when I wake up in the morning is worth the rudolph nose and 3 extra of grandmas specialty blankets!

Time for bed. Pure Delight!

lights out!

Nikon Coolpix S6. Best Buy. 512 MB SD Card. Walmart.

My new best friend. Wow isnt it FUN to have a digital?! I have been talking about getting one for weeks and weeks now and finally last weekend I broke down and bought one and it has been the best thing EVER. Now I actually have the ability to post brand spankin new pictures every time I post something...ok so maybe they wont be new by the time I get around to writing on my blog but you get the point.

As you can see it takes AMAZING pictures. Sarah would not stop taking pictures of me on the weekend. Sheesh cant you see why *wink*

Welp just wanted to express my love for my new little black box and show you what's in store photographically for my fantastic blog. Until next time....


Monday, October 09, 2006

Ok so truly I don't really have anything to write about but just for you I wanted to write a little blurb. Today has been SUCH a fantastic day. I have done absolutely nothing ALL day but play scrabble, watch a 4 hour movie, and wax my eyebrows. wow what a difference a good ol' wax makes. Surprisingly it didn't even hurt. It was the very first time that I ever waxed these puppies. Im still feeling it a little but nothing like the torture of an hour long session of plucking.
And yes a 4 hour long was intense. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a 240 minute film. "What movie?" you are thinking to yourself....welp that's a challenge for you, try find out. It surprisingly had quite a few well known actors in it! Happy movie hunting.
A scrabble rule question for you: Can you use any word that is in the dictionary even if it is an abbreviation?? I know an abbreviation isn't a word word but they are in the dictionary. Can ya use them? I always thought scrabble was such boring game and who knows maybe you do but Sarah, Rob, Adah, and I sat and played it today and I was pleasantly surprised. We were all reminded very quickly that Sarah is infact Websters very own Human Dictionary Edition. Wow that girl knows so bizarre words. Like who just knows that 'QUASH' is a real word that isn't really supposed to be squash and means to crush; to subdue; to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely.
You are probably wondering about this ridiculously grand picture of me. It is actually just a very random picture and has no real relevance to anything that I was thinking of writing on this tonight. Mainly because I didn't even think I would write this much but it is kind of fun just to talk about absolutely nothing. HA! The heels were slipping through the cracks between the boards and if I walked on the grass they just sunk into the ground so I had to resort to walking like a fool ( although it was quite entertaining for myself and apparently others so much that they wanted pictures of it) every time nature called!
But - the damage is done so I guess Ill be leaving! Song lyrics aside that was notice of the end of my first but definately not my last post! How was that for a first timer.... not bad seeing as I came in with about " " much to say! peace out A-town